The theory of
cognitive dissonance was a framework theory with deep implications that were
best appreciated by Roger Brown in the classic text Social Psychology (1965). Cognitive dissonance theory expressed the
insight that the human detestation of ambivalence was at the center of the
evolution of beliefs. Brown saw that Freud's insights into the repression of
threatening ideation could be conceived as a reaction to the engendered
Cognitive dissonance
theory was subsequently reduced to the platitudinous by its leading expositor,
the social psychologist Scott Aronson, when he concluded that cognitive
dissonance is aroused only by inconsistency with an agent's positive
self-regard, reinterpreting the reduction of dissonance as limited to
self-justification. The different interpretations can be illustrated in the paradigm
experiment, where subjects changed their views more toward the views
receiving a token payment for their advocacy than did subjects paid a
substantial amount. On Festinger's original account, the subjects in the
token-payment condition suffered more cognitive dissonance, because the
knowledge that they are advocating something different from what they actually
believe is an inconsistent mental state. Whereas, on Aronson's
self-justification account, the inconsistency is not between the beliefs
expressed and the beliefs held but between the expression of bogus beliefs and subjects’
positive self-concept. Aronson contended that subjects resist thinking of
themselves as the sort of persons who would deceive others to their detriment
about one's own beliefs for no substantial reason.
If cognitive-dissonance
theory concerns defensive self-justification, its impressiveness would lie not
in its enunciating a new psychological principle but rather in showing that the
otherwise banal self-justification hypothesis reaches further than we expect.
But to establish that the $1 and $20 experiment concerns self-justification,
Aronson needs evidence that agents think it more honorable to lie for a large
reward than for a small one. This is far from obvious given that the criminal law
on the subject says the opposite: the transgressor's gain increases the
severity of fraud.
Festinger was on the
right track. What repels subjects is ambiguity and ambivalence. Cognitive
dissonance is more fundamental than self-justification; it may provide the
explanation for the human tendency to self-justify, and it potentially explains
much more. Festinger’s theory is consistent with Sigmund Freud's view that
conative overload is the driving force for ego defense.
Festinger's theory isn’t
explicit about the nature of the inconsistency. Festinger says that usually
agents don't tell a falsehood for no good reason. But it isn't the case that
all expectancy failures arouse dissonance. When Festinger presents the theory
more formally, he explains that cognitions A and B are dissonant when A implies
B's obverse, a term for which Festinger provides no logical analysis.
A new interpretation
of cognitive-dissonance theory in the Festingerian hatred-of-ambivalence
tradition is the action-oriented
account proposed by Harmon-Jones and colleagues, who, first, recognized that the state of cognition giving rise to cognitive dissonance should be
distinguished from the uncomfortable emotional
state. Discrepant cognitions are
said to produce dissonance, where cognitions
are discrepant if they have opposed implications for action. They facilitate or
impair a line of conduct, as is consistent with experimental evidence that
dissonance starts when agents commit
to specific conduct, at which point
agents marshal their mental resources to actually carry out their commitments.
Thus, when subjects in
the $1 and $20 experiment commit to the bargain by agreeing to lie, they will
be best equipped to carry out their commitment either if they are motivated to
earn $20, or if they can convince themselves that the communication is true.
The action-based
interpretation of cognitive-dissonance theory resolves the major theoretical
problem facing another theory in social psychology, construal-level theory,
which proposes that the deployment of abstract and concrete concepts functions
as separate systems. Agents, accordingly, can hold abstract beliefs that are in
logical tension, even contradiction. This has led at least one commentator to
conclude that abstract beliefs evolved for purposes related to social
signaling. But for signaling to be viable, abstract belief must be subject to
concrete belief to some substantial degree.
On the present view, the
primary function of abstract thought is the self-regulation of concrete
conation. The direct manipulation of the world for practical purposes is a
function of concrete thought. But abstract thought, while not directive for action,
serves to energize (or de-energize) it.
theory explains how agents may be induced to change their abstract beliefs due
to pressure from concrete experience. The balancing act that an explanation
must accomplish is to permit abstract logical contradictions while also prohibiting
tensions logically weaker. This is accomplished by making the cognitive
discrepancy between abstract and concrete representations pragmatic rather than
logical. These tensions are perhaps the only means we have for rational
influence on far-mode beliefs. While logical contradiction is not necessarily
dissonant, sometimes it is.
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